We’re a community of people, just like you, meeting together each week to learn, pray and grow together. We want you to encounter God and people who care about you. You don’t need to have all the answers, and you don’t need to be perfect to attend our church. We invite you to come… just as you are, and be a part of something new.

Friendly Fire Dominoes

dominoes-rules1 Looking for a great time of fun and friendly competition?  How about spending your Friday evenings with our Domino group?  We are certain you will enjoy your evening with our fine domino players- and there's always something to munch on as well.  Join us- Fridays @ 7:00pm.

Intentional Prayer

Prayer-Meeting Prayer is our lifeline at Dayspring. We believe that prayer is where the action is. Bring your requests and join for intentional prayer on Fridays at 5:00am. “To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.” Martin Luther

Men’s Breakfast Fellowship

mens-breakfast_t-1024x768 Jump start your Saturdays with an amazing group of men who are enthusiastic about studying God's word.  This group meets every other Saturday (2nd and 4th of the month), at 8:00am.  What a great way to end the week... immersed in good conversation, food, fellowship and studying the Word of God.

Engage the Word

Engage_the_wordJoin us on Sundays @ 10:00am for an exciting time of engaging in the Word of God. There is a class for every age. Here, kids are taught by kind and generous teachers who loves God, and the Bible! Adults and teens are encouraged to explore the truths in God’s word, and apply these truths to everyday life.

Ladies Book Club

ladies book club-sCoffee & Friends... the best of both worlds!  Join one of our many coffee club connectors.   Please call the church office (954-523-2135), and we will be happy to plug you in.  Our ladies gather in various bookstores and coffee houses across Fort Lauderdale, for a fantastic time of fun and fellowship.


recharge-copy Study and explore God’s Word as we dig deeper, and explore truths that apply to everyday living. Recharge with us on Tuesday nights at 6:30pm as we study and fellowship together.

Service Times

Sundays @ 10:00:  Celebration Worship
Sundays @ 12:00:  Youth Sunday School
Tuesdays @ 6:30pm:  Bible Study/Recharge
Wednesdays @ 7:30pm:  Youth Small Groups
Fridays @ 5:00am:  Intentional Prayer
Fridays @ 7:00 pm:  Family Game Night

Contact Information

phone: 954.523.2135
  • fax: 954.523.2136
  • email:
  • Our Address

    2300 SW 15th Ave.
    Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33315

    Tel: 954-523-2135

    Find Us

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    Are you looking for a church family to learn and worship with? We would love to know more about you and your family, please contact us or visit us today!